Scratch and Maintenance BrushesAdministrator2015-03-10T01:12:02+00:00
Janitorial and Maintenance Brushes
Scratch and maintenance brushes remove dirt, rust, paint, and scale. These industrial brushes are also used to clean castings, files, threads, and parts. BRM offers a wide selection of scratch and maintenance brushes, including handheld scratch brushes, floor sweeps and brooms, paint brushes, and applicators. Product specifications include size, brush handle design and materials, and filaments or bristles.
Hand scratch brushes are used for tasks such as cleaning after plating and fine metal finishing work. They are easy-to-grip and have wooden or metal handles. Rows of bristles provide a uniform brushing face. The filament or bristle material helps to determine the degree of aggressiveness.
Wooden scratch brushes have wide or narrow faces and curved or straight handles. Chip removal brushes with metal handles are also available. These hand brushes are also used for surface cleaning and surface preparation. Maintenance toothbrushes are ideal for manual deburring, thread cleaning, or removing rust and corrosion.
Floor sweeps and brooms are used for sweeping garages, patios, decks, and counters. They are either pushed with a handle or held in the hand. Scrub brushes and counter brushes have an integral wooden handle. Garage, patio, and deck sweepers feature removable handles. Wooden broom handles can have a clear lacquered or sanded finish, and a threaded metal tip or tapered end.
Like other types of scratch and maintenance brushes, floor sweeps and broom use various filament materials. For example, garage brushes and deck sweepers may use palymyra bristles for durability and long-life. Counter brushes use a natural horsehair blend for soft, consistent dusting and cleaning.
Paint Brushes and Applicators
Paint brushes with wooden handles and soft filaments are used to apply paint or varnish. Applicators with metal handles and more aggressive bristles are used for leaning. For example, electronic applicator brushes are used for cleaning or fluxing on printed circuit boards (PCBs).
Economy touch-up brushes are ideal for one-time applications such as touching-up paint. Acid brushes are disposable brush tools for applying cutting oil or tapping fluid. They have natural or nylon filaments and a tinned metal handle.